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shane's coach's corner Sep 18, 2023

Today let's talk about perspective. Defined as a "particular attitude toward something," a point of view per say, we all have a perspective on things like exercise or circumstances in our lives. Good or bad, positive or negative, it will be up to us to establish the perspective we have with it.

I often look to work with my personal training clients when there's a need to establish a positive association with working out. This is an often-overlooked aspect with helping someone to develop a new habit. I don't care what the "it" is, if you dread it and only associate this thing with pain, discomfort, and negative feelings, you're not likely to persevere and reap the benefits you could from it.

If the words "working out" to you conjures up visions of puddles of sweat, pain, nausea, and feeling like you're going to collapse, you need a different perspective not to mention probably a different means of fitness training.

Look, exercise and working out shouldn't make you feel like you're going to barf! Not only is this ineffective, it's also stupid....as if that feeling will make you want to come back and do it again. Yeah right.

Granted, training your body to get stronger, leaner, and in better shape will without question require hard work, effort, and momentary discomfort. The difference is in establishing a positive perspective with it. When you see the above sacrifices as being currency that pays for the things you're desiring (a flatter stomach, toned arms, more energy, etc) then you'll have a totally different association with them.

"No pain, no gain" sounds macho and cool and all, but a better way to look at it is "the pain you feel today will be the STRENGTH you feel tomorrow."

Keep this in mind when you exercise this week. And if you're not on a regular, consistent exercise program let me help you get one started. Reach out to me anytime I can be of assistance. 

Shane Doll is a certified Charleston personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and founder of Shaping Concepts Personal Training Studios. He has over 24 years' experience with fitness coaching and consulting and specializes in training programs for middle age and mature adults. If you live in the Charleston, SC area you can schedule a no-obligations consultation


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