Anxiety, ADHD, ADD, OCD, depression. If you or someone you love suffers from one of these conditions, you may have recently heard about folic acid being a possible culprit. The internet has been all a buzz lately with reports by some health experts that many individuals have an enzyme issue that could be impacting their body's ability to breakdown synthetic folic acid and that is disrupting neurotransmitters in the brain.
This is the enzyme that you'll find being referred to that may affect blood folate levels.
(methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)
Do a web search and you can see for yourself that, yes, it appears this enzyme is definitely part of the metabolic pathway for the production of MTHFR protein that helps your body process folate. And yes, your body needs folate to make DNA, modify proteins, and make neurotransmitters. Ok, cool, a quick education and we can all get on the same page there.
But this is where the road forks into two different directions regarding folic acid and the impact on mental health.
On one side, we have a lot of content pointing do DNA, enzyme, and gene expression issues being hidden contributors with many mental health problems.
And on the other side we have sources (including the CDC) claiming it's all much to do about nothing.
Take a quick step back away from everything and it's not hard to see there may be conflicts of interests. The processed food industry is obviously a multi-billion-dollar industry as is the pharmaceutical industry that benefits directly from it. That's no secret at this point.
But let's also not be so quick to champion a few doctors who also rock as social media influencers for being selfless bearers of absolute truth. Are there possible vested interests there as well?
One should ask themselves; may these individuals have something to gain from their claims? When there are expensive genetic tests or supplements being directly or indirectly sold through affiliates, it's enough to at the very least make you go hum?
Now, this isn't to say there may not be some truth in the possible revelation that the human body is struggling to convert synthetic compounds. Spoiler alert…I truly believe it is.
Discernment however is certainly in order here when looking at possible causes and helpful solutions for helping individuals who deal with mental health issues such as:
But here's the thing. Just like the old expression…"don't <blank> down my neck and tell me that is raining," one doesn't need a PhD to understand we've got widespread problems in this country (especially with children) struggling with these kind of mental health issues.
We shouldn't be so quick to dismiss, instantly accept as truth, or label something as misinformation, just because a particular group says so.
Probably not a good idea to be just automatically believe or dismiss anything regarding our health simply based on the "source."
Some critical thinking should always be in order. Enough with this nonsense of "nothing to see here," like we're supposed to just accept things as being normal. Yeah right, just give the kids their medications and processed cereal, everything is normal.
This is NOT normal.
From where I see it, far too many physicians and mental health professionals are failing to even look at possible physiological deficiencies that could be at the root of the problem.
That my friends is NOT practicing medicine.
Now before someone gets all fired up and sends me an angry email, look I know there are some physicians who are out there still practicing medicine. I'm speaking in general terms about the mainstream medical industry that is CLEARLY married to the pharmaceutical industry and that marriage isn't making our society healthier.
Is it also a mere coincidence that we've seen an exponential rise in these mental health conditions in the past 30-40 years, which was paralleled the degradation of our food supply with synthetic compounds, fortified vitamins, toxic pesticides, fertilizers, etc?
I don't think it's a stretch to consider that those things that negatively affect the body could negatively affect the mind. No question we've strayed far in this country from consuming food in its most natural state. There's a whole host of reasons for this, but it's not debatable that the food supply for most Americans simply isn't the same as it was a mere few decades ago.
Back to the initial question regarding the possible impacts of folic acid.
Should someone struggling with one of these conditions look at reducing folic acid from processed foods in their diet?
Yes. Absolutely.
My reasoning for this is simple. While I can't provide the final verdict on this whole enzyme and gene expression / mutation issue, here's what I do know for a fact.
Folic acid is found nowhere on this planet in a natural state. It's an entirely synthetic compound made up in a lab.
Can the body use it? Yep, seems so. Does it mean that it's good for the human body? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say probably not.
Would it be worth experimenting with reducing folic acid (as much as is feasibly possible since it's in everything processed) from the diet, replacing your folate needs from methylated B-vitamins and natural whole foods and seeing if it helps?
Absolutely. But I wouldn't stop there.
Let me explain.
I'm not convinced everything can be pointed directly back to folic acid or anything else in the diet for that matter. More likely the problems we're seeing are due to a whole host of dietary and environmental changes that are affecting human health.
What I'd recommend for someone who struggles with these issues is focusing on addressing the entire health and function of the body. Gut health would be first and foremost on the list and then I'd look, one by one, at each area of intake and exposure, both dietary and environmental.
Yes, that would mean reducing intake and exposure to as many things as possible that are synthetic, artificial, and toxic to the human body. And I don't care what the so-called experts or some three-letter government agency claimed were safe levels.
Remember they told us margarine was better for us than butter. Just saying.
Natural is likely better for the human body than synthetic. Who da thunk it? So yeah, change as much as you can.
I'd look at whatever is eaten, what drinks are consumed, how much exposure to EMF from electronic devices is happening, where synthetic ingredients and toxins may be creeping in from soaps, laundry detergent, shampoos, you name it.
Take a shotgun approach to all of it, as it all is likely making an impact due to the cumulative effect on human health.
Yes, that'll require being different, acting different, eating different, using different household products, you name it.
Here in lies the challenge. Are you willing to be different in attempts to restore your health or that of a child you love? Yes, it will come at a cost on many levels, but I for one will boldly declare it's a cost worth assuming.
Look, I'm not saying you need to immediately go "hair on fire" rouge and throw out everything or live like a monk. But I wouldn't shrug my shoulders either. Make a few changes a week, get family members on board by making your case and appealing to rational thinking.
It is much hunch, hunch mind you, that the root causes behind what's really going on here with a lot of these conditions can be traced back to a host of exposure and toxicity issues that has impacted neurotransmitters in the brain. The bulk of the breakdowns occurring in the gut. Remember, just as an example, the majority of all dopamine production occurs in the gut. Ponder on that.
On a final note, I'm not remotely saying all the medications used to treat these conditions are trash and can't be helpful in certain instances.
This is more about making a case that we should be seriously looking at what's going on around us, asking questions, and doing critical thinking when the "solutions" we're pitched over and over don't seem to be working.
At what point does "just trust the experts or trust the science" not cut it.
I pray for the children and adults alike who struggle with mental health issues and hope as a society we can uncover the true root causes and seek a pathway towards healing and restoration.
I've got a feeling the road forward will actually end up looking more like a road back. A return back to a simpler time when we ate, drank, and were exposed to more things natural than synthetic. I'm not seeing how all these so-called modern advancements in manufacturing, technology, medicine, food production, farming, etc., has advanced our health. Just saying.
The Difference Between Folate and Folic Acid
Depression Won't Go Away? Folate Could Be the Answer | Psychology Today
The Gut-Brain Axis: Influence of Microbiota on Mood and Mental Health - PMC
A Genetic Mutation That Can Affect Mental & Physical Health | Psychology Today
MTHFR Gene Variant and Folic Acid Facts | Folic Acid | CDC
Shane Doll is a certified Charleston personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and founder of Shaping Concepts Personal Training Studios. He has over 24 years' experience with fitness coaching and consulting and specializes in training programs for middle age and mature adults. If you live in the Charleston, SC area you can schedule a no-obligations consultation.
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